The ridges dominating the image extend about 125 km. The area pictured is surrounded by salt flats, visible on the left side of the image.

Some reports claim that research groups brought sterilised milk to the desert and left it uncovered in the shade, but the milk remained sterile. The region is generally considered an abiotic zone – meaning that even bacteria cannot survive here, let alone plants and animals. The highest land surface temperature ever recorded was in the Lut Desert in 2005 at 70.7✬, as measured by NASA’s Aqua satellite. Although Iran hosts vast arid desert areas (e.g., Dasht-e Kavir, deserts of Yazd and Tabas, Rige Jenne desert and Lut), not much attention has been paid to the. The desert is often called the ‘hottest place on Earth’ as satellites measured record surface temperatures there for several years. Lut Desert or Dasht-e Lut is a vast salt desert in the southeast of Iran in Kerman and Sistan o Baluchistan provinces. Lut desert is situated in the south- eastern of Iran, and covers a total area about 80000. Wind-carved ridges and furrows in southeast Iran’s Dasht-e Lut salt desert are pictured in this satellite image. WELCOME TO THE LUT DESERT: ONE OF THE HOTTEST AND DRIEST DESERTS ON EARTH WELCOME TO THE LUT DESERT: ONE OF THE HOTTEST AND DRIEST DESERTS ON EARTH WELCOME TO THE LUT DESERT: ONE OF THE HOTTEST AND DRIEST DESERTS ON EARTH. Lut Desert in Kerman province is a part of the larger Lut arid region. The Lut Desert The Lut Deserts fantastical landscape harbors creatures that eke out a living from hidden water and the occasional windfall.Bahman Izadi.